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For all matters concerning the Governing Body please contact the clerk via |
Our CEO is Louise Lee.
Antingham and Southrepps Primary School and Nursery continues to have its own Governing Body which is currently made up of ten Governors and the Head teacher. The Governors are like a board of directors. They work in partnership with the Head teacher to make decisions about how the school is run in order to improve the quality of education and ensure pupil progress.
The Governing Body has a range of duties and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement including setting targets for pupil attainment, monitoring the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, appointing staff, reviewing staff performance and pay and many more.
The full Governing Body meets six times a year to ratify decisions, review progress and to discuss the Head teacher’s report, which covers all aspects of the school’s activities.
Governors endeavour to visit the school regularly to help monitor the Quality of Education and the day to day running of the school and they also meet with staff and parents and talk to the children. We have an active govering board who attend school performances, take part in school events, provide enrichment opportunities and support with school trips and arranging visitors to come in to the school.
The school secretary has contact details for the chair of governors and the parent governors.
Miles Elcock |
Federation Headteacher |
Elected by Board |
01/04/22 |
Constance Tyce |
Link Director |
Appointed by Board |
02/07/15 |
01/07/27 |
Joanna Caston |
Community Governor |
Appointed by LGB |
01/09/21 |
31/08/25 |
Safeguarding |
Robin Gainher |
Vice Chair Community Governor |
Appointed by LGB |
01/09/21 |
31/08/25 |
Finance and Attendance |
Neil Rowe |
Community Governor |
Elected by parents |
01/09/21 |
31/08/25 |
Pupil Premium and Sports Premium |
Sia Vare |
Chair of Governors Community Governor |
Appointed by LGB |
01/09/21 |
31/08/25 | SEND and English |
Jack Branford |
Community Governor |
Appointed by LGB |
01/07/21 |
31/8/25 | Website |
Emma Bourner |
Staff Governor |
Elected by Staff |
01/9/24 |
31/8/28 |
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